In a Catholic church in Rome, there is a stunning painting by the Italian Master, Caravaggio named, “The Calling of St. Matthew.” In the scene, Jesus is pointing to Matthew who wears a look of surprise on his face. On this Feast of St. Matthew, we are reminded that each of us is called by the Lord to follow him – no matter our background, gifts or weaknesses. For the past several years, I have written an annual letter to parishioners outlining the state of the parish – where we have been and where we are going. I am thankful that the direction of the parish is guided by God’s Spirit and set in collaboration with parish leaders and staff. Below, I provide a look back at the successes of the past year, updates regarding our shared life together, and also speak to the challenges of living our Catholic faith in today’s world. Having served you for more than six years as pastor and having been recently reappointed to another term as pastor, my heart is full of gratitude for the opportunity to accompany you – the good people of Lourdes – on your journey of faith.
First in looking back at the past year, it is not an embellishment to say that God was very good to us. I am thankful for all the ways our parishioners and friends generously supported our parish, our programs, and our jubilee projects. This past fall and winter, we were able to complete ambitious renovation projects of our courtyard, landscaping, grotto, and church interior. These projects were funded through the generosity of parishioners and friends who supported our Jubilee Fund. With your help we surpassed out campaign goal!
I am thankful to key staff – Jared Ash and Mary Asp - for their tireless work on the renovation projects, as well as Julie and Doug Craven for their indispensable help in the areas of fundraising, project management, and in getting the parish home in Northeast Minneapolis ready for sale. I am also thankful to Julie for her terrific work in the area of parish communications. As one example, you may remember her creative Twitter post “that went viral” after the Vikings amazing playoff win! Because of the talent and hard work of staff and key volunteers, the parish was able to save thousands of dollars in the planning, contracting, and execution of our jubilee projects. In addition to the projects mentioned above, we were also able to install new energy efficient windows in the parish house. One of our last jubilee projects - the exterior lighting of the church - will be completed this fall.
Second, in the past year there were a number of successful parish events that provided the opportunity for fellowship and fun. In the last year, we increased both the number and quality of our Lenten Fish Frys. The 2
nd Annual Lourdes Gala was a smashing success and raised needed funds for the parish and for our Matthew 25 Fund. The 5
th Annual Lourdes Block Party drew more than 500 people for a spectacular summer evening of food and music. Shortly after, the Lourdes community hosted National Night Out which also gathered more than 500 people from the neighborhood for fellowship in our new courtyard. I would like to heartily thank Nancy Casey, our Director of Fellowship, for her fantastic leadership in making these events a success. Please mark your calendars for next year’s Lourdes Gala (May 10) and Lourdes Block Party (July 27)!
Third, this past year saw continued commitment to quality adult faith formation and the launch of an exciting new “Family” approach to children’s faith formation. The children’s faith formation year was capped off with a terrific program on the role of St. Mary, which took place on Mother’s Day and culminated in a beautiful May Crowning at our new grotto. A big thanks to Valerie Broughton, Director of Children’s Faith Formation, for the great energy and vision she has brought to this important program. Regarding adult education and programming, last year’s program invited us to explore what it means to create a culture of encounter in response to the invitation of Pope Francis. We also took up a number of contemporary topics through the prism of Catholic teaching in our Faith in Action Series. In addition, Archdiocesan leadership invited Our Lady of Lourdes, along with two other parishes, into a Restorative Justice pilot program in response to the clergy abuse crisis. This has been a humbling call and our work in this area is ongoing and vital for the health of the Body of Christ.
Fourth, Lourdes’ commitment to living the Social Gospel has been strengthened in the past year. Under the able leadership of Julie Ditter, Chair of our Justice and Charity Committee, we have increased our charitable giving to our Tijuana Mission, as well as the many other important charities that Lourdes supports. Just this month we sent a $10,000 check to the Oblates of Mary Immaculate for their important work in Tijuana. I am most thankful to the parish couple who has consistently and generously supported the Matthew 25 Fund as well as the many others supporters of this fund. The Justice and Charity team continues to serve in a variety of ways, including their support of our Dinner for the Hungry, Sharing and Caring Hands and hosting our Faith in Action Series. In the coming year, I hope to strengthen the parish’s advocacy for a more just society and increase our charitable outreach.
Fifth, in the area of finances, I am happy to report that the parish once again finished the fiscal year in the black. We diligently watched our expenses and creatively and incrementally increased our revenue. Thanks to all of you for making this happen! More detailed information regarding our parish finances will be shared with parishioners next month in the stewardship materials, which will include our annual financial report. I am grateful to Linda Harty, Chair of the parish Finance Council, for her excellent leadership in helping us become even better stewards of our financial resources. Our Lady of Lourdes continues to face financial challenges as we are understaffed and simply do not take in enough through Sunday giving to adequately support our growing and vibrant parish. In preparation for our stewardship initiative this fall, I ask each of you to begin prayerfully discerning your call to generously share your time, talent, and treasure with our parish community. Consider online giving by way of the parish website, as consistent Sunday giving is an essential way to help support the financial health of the parish.
Sixth, regarding our parish staff, I am thankful for their talent, commitment, and faith. In the last couple of months, we welcomed three new staff members: Fr. David Haschka, S.J. our new Senior Associate Pastor; Jennifer Wenzel, our new Finance Associate; and Christine Griffith, our new Director of Marriage Ministry. Given our financial realities, all of these positions are part time. We continue to benefit greatly from those talented staff members who give of their time and talent as part of their stewardship to the parish. Please pray for our staff as we continue to build a quality team to serve you on your journey of faith.
Seventh, as we look forward to the year ahead, I would like to call your attention to a number of exciting initiatives. Lourdes will be forming a new Parish Council soon, which will lead the parish in writing a new parish mission statement, and in strategic and pastoral planning. I am thankful to Michael Rainville for accepting my invitation to serve as the inaugural Chair of the Parish Council. Next month, a small group of parish staff and parishioners will travel to Milwaukee for the “Amazing Parish” conference as we seek to learn and integrate best practices for our shared life of faith at Lourdes. Each of us is responsible for our own formation in the faith of Jesus Christ and in growing as missionary disciples of Christ. This year’s Adult Faith Formation Program is available online and in brochure form in the back of the church. The theme for this year is “Holiness and Mission” as Pope Francis has called all Catholics to an increased commitment to live holy lives, so that the Church can more effectively carry out the mission entrusted to her by Christ. I do not know of a parish in this Archdiocese that has a richer and more quality faith formation program. The fact that far too few of our parishioners avail themselves of this quality programming remains a pressing pastoral challenge.
Finally, and not least in importance, the Catholic Church in the United States and globally is in deep crisis as a result of clergy abuse and the lack of leadership and accountability of bishops in their duty to serve and protect God’s people. I have preached and written extensively about the crisis. My columns can be found on the parish website. While Our Lady of Lourdes continues to grow and thrive, I know that this is a very difficult time for Catholics. I thank you for your abiding faith in Christ and commitment to the Church - a Church that is both holy and wounded. One of the greatest gifts of the Church is the Catholic laity. This crisis, in part because of the clericalism that has spawned it, requires that the laity stand up in a persistent call for greater integrity, accountability, and health on the part of Catholic clergy – priests and bishops alike. If we unite in prayer and commitment to personal holiness and integrity, the Catholic Church can and will experience new life and spiritual renewal. With you, I believe in a God of goodness and restoration – a God who keeps his promises and always brings light out of the darkness. Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us!