Since the Second Vatican Council, the Church has opened up many of the liturgical roles at the Mass to the laity. By our baptisms, we are all called to serve the Church, and serving in liturgical ministries can be a wonderful way to do this and also grow in your faith. Please click on the links below to learn more about each particular ministry of the Church:
Thank you for sharing your gifts as a liturgical minister here at Lourdes! You can view and make changes to your schedule and preferences online at this link or by downloading the Ministry Scheduler Pro app to your smart phone.
Some tips as we roll out this new system: To login, enter the username and password you received from the Director of Music and Liturgy. Our organization ID is OLOLMPLS. You can easily change your password on the Profile page of the app. The system allows you to check your schedule, request a sub, sub for another volunteer, update your preferences as to Mass times and ministry roles, and view the full schedule. Questions on how to use this system? Just watch this short video or refer to the information in this printable guide.
Thanks again for serving as a Eucharistic Minister, Lector, Altar Server, Sacristan or Greeter at Our Lady of Lourdes, and for helping to make our liturgies beautiful indeed!