If you are aware of a parishioner who is homebound and unable to get to church, please contact the parish office. We have pastoral ministers who are trained to bring Communion to those who aren’t able to come to church.
The apparition and the healing waters at Lourdes - they are the story of our patron, Our Lady of Lourdes. This namesake parish in Minneapolis has a history of healing. For over thirty years, we have hosted Alcoholics Anonymous weekly meetings at our parish. More recently, we have supported the work of Rachel's Vineyard, a healing ministry for women and men impacted by abortion. In 2017, we were selected as one of three parishes to pilot work in the area of restorative justice and healing in this archdiocese. In the fall of 2019, we expanded this work in an intentional way to establish a parish-wide program, the Lourdes Pastoral Care Ministry.