Our Lady of Lourdes is once again going to have a children’s choir for our 3:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Vigil Mass. All children in grades 2 & up are welcome, no prior experience necessary!
They just need to attend 2 of 3 rehearsals that we’ll have on Wednesday nights at 6:00 p.m., December 4, 11, & 18. Any who are interested in having your children (or grandchildren!) participate,
please email Samuel Libra at [email protected].
Beginning the weekend of November 16th and 17th there are new procedures to receive free parking at the RiverPlace Parking Garage while at Mass. You will now need to use your smart phone to scan a QR code that will be in the back of the church. This method will require you to complete a registration for the new parking procedure. Please see the link below for the new procedure to park at the RiverPlace Parking Garage.
Busy Bags have returned for our youngest faithful and can be found in the front vestibule of the church.
We ask that you PLEASE return the bags back to the bin in the vestibule after EACH Mass so that other young faithful can use them at other Masses.
Thank you for your cooperation with this matter. May God Bless your Family.
I am pleased to inform you that we have hired
Samuel Libra D.M.A. as our new Director of Music
and Liturgy at Our Lady of Lourdes. Sam replaces
Nicole Millner and will be joining our staff on
October 9th
Sam is originally from Minnesota, although he has worked in
Louisville, Kentucky the past few years. He received his BA from
Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, and his Master of Music in Organ
Performance from the University of Washington in Seattle
Washington. He also received his Doctor of Musical Arts degree
from the University of Washington in 2020.
Sam has had a wide range of work experiences in various Churches
over the past several years. He comes to us with high
I am pleased and excited that Sam is joining our parish staff and I
invite you extend a warm welcome to him when you have the
chance to meet him.
One important part of becoming Catholic that dates back to the very beginnings of the Church is sponsorship. In the early Church, Christians who were already baptized and confirmed in the faith would sponsor other individuals on their Christian faith journey. They would share the Good News of Jesus Christ by teaching them about Jesus - his life, death and resurrection - taking them to church, answering questions and witnessing to these seekers the life of Christ.
This tradition continues today through sponsoring seekers interested in learning more about the Church through our Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) classes and then moving towards receiving Sacraments. Sponsors attend class with students, meet or talk with them to answer questions and walk with them on their journey of faith.
We are currently looking for sponsors with a variety of spiritual gifts to support those currently enrolling in OCIA. While we will not be able to use everyone who expresses interest this year, our hope is to develop a database of those interested. By answering a few questions we can get to know you a little better and find the best fit for each of those in need of a sponsor.
We are starting a Prayer Shawl Ministry at Our Lady of Lourdes. If you knit or crochet, and would like to participate in this ministry, please contact the Parish Office. We are also happy to accept donations of yarn for this project!
This Sunday, July 14th, from 2:00-3:00pm a there will be a Holy Hour of Prayer and Thanksgiving at the Cathedral for Bishop Williams’ years as a priest and bishop in our diocese.
On May 26th, one of the four National Eucharistic Pilgrimages will be passing through Northeast Minneapolis, via the Marian Route. The next day on Monday, May 27th, the Source and Summit Eucharistic Procession will begin at the St. Paul Seminary. Please click for more information about these beautiful acts of public devotion connected to the National Eucharistic Revival!
The Minnesota Bishops have released a statement on a proposed bill in the MN State Senate regarding physician-assisted suicide. Please click through to read their statement.
The Parish Office will be closed on Christmas Day as well as the day after Christmas (December 26). For the rest of the week—Wednesday the 27th through Friday the 29th--the office will only be open from 9am-2pm. The 12:05pm Masses will still be offered as usual at Lourdes on Tuesday the 26th through Friday the 29th.
The Parish Office will be closed on Thanksgiving Day (November 23) and Friday, November 24. There will not be a public celebration of Mass on that Friday either. Happy Thanksgiving!
We would love to be able to add more cantors to our music ministry at Our Lady of Lourdes! Cantors serve an important role by proclaiming the Responsorial Psalm and Gospel, chanting the proper Introit and Communio, and singing the remaining parts of the Mass with the gathered assembly. Please contact Nicole Millner, Director of Sacred Liturgy & Music ([email protected]) if you would like to learn more!
Archbishop Hebda's Pastoral Letter on the Synod, "You Will Be My Witnesses," is now available on the archdiocesan website: https://www.archspm.org/synodletter/
The Parish Office at Our Lady of Lourdes will be closed on Thursday, November 23rd and Friday, November 24th. There will be no 12:05pm Mass on Friday, November 24th. Happy Thanksgiving from Our Lady of Lourdes!