The weekend of October 14th and 15th will be one of celebration at Our Lady of Lourdes. Join us as we dedicate and bless the new courtyard! The celebration will begin following the 5:00 pm Mass and at 6:00 pm, Father Griffith will bless the new space. We'll enjoy a pig roast catered by Divine Swine in Hofstede Hall. Suggested contribution is $12. Music by James Castaneda and Jake Olson. Come for an evening of fall fun with Lourdes friends and family!
The weekend will also include a Parish Mission: Culture of Encounter with Monsignor Chad Gion from Spirit of Life parish in Mandan, ND. Msgr. Gion will speak at Vespers at Lourdes of Thursday, October 12th and as a part of our Culture of Encounter series at 9:45 am on Sunday, October 15th in Hofstede Hall.