Monday, February 26, is National Catholic Call-in Day for Dreamers. The bishops of the United States are asking all people of good will to call their elected federal officials and ask them to protect our brothers and sisters who qualify as “Dreamers.” Nearly two million young people are anxiously waiting for lawmakers in Washington, D.C. to come up with a bipartisan bill ahead of the March 5 deadline, when protections for DACA youth expire.
Is it really about chocolate, fish, Ash Wednesday or the Stations of the Cross? Another Lent is upon us! Will it really be just another Lent culminating with another Easter Sunday?
Father Griffith's Feast Day Homily: "Beauty in the Western philosophic tradition is a transcendental - along with truth and goodness. Through these, we are able to touch the very essence of God. In the sacred liturgy, God communicates with us through sign and symbol and thus the beauty of our churches and liturgy help disclose His living presence. Many of us worked so hard and sacrificed to renovate Lourdes because the beauty helps raise our minds and heart in worship of God."
We celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, Sunday, February 11th and this year will be an extra special celebration. In addition to our Masses and Fleur de lis Awards, we will rededicate our newly restored church interior, the completed project of our Jubilee Year work. In this letter, Father Griffith shares his thoughts about the significance of the details in this work, and how Catholic liturgy, art and architecture converge to create a place of beauty, where everyone can experience God!