The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis has reached a consensual plan with a committee representing clergy sexual abuse survivors to resolve its bankruptcy, offering $210 million for restitution to claimants. The settlement is the largest ever reached in a bankruptcy case related to clergy sex abuse. Coverage of the press conference can be found here.
Our newly married group, Sposi Novelli, will have an event this Saturday at 6 pm with a speaker on an important topic for all married couples, personal finances! Sunday we will celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi and again this year, we will have an outdoor procession of the Holy Eucharist, immediately following the 11 am Mass on Sunday, June 3rd.
Father Griffith shares an update on his reappointment to another term as pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes; the appointment of Fr. David Haschka, S.J. to Our Lady of Lourdes as part time senior associate, and news regarding key staff assignments.
Sunday, May 13, 2018, 10:15 AM - 11:00 AM Please join Father Griffith as we bless our new grotto and celebrate our May Crowning on Mother's Day, May 13th at 10:40 am. There will be treats for kids, and flowers and special blessings for moms! The program begins at 10:15 in the church; at 10:35 we will process to the grotto; and at 10:40, the Blessing of the Grotto and May Crowning will take place.